Surge XT
Surge - XT
Surge - XT
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A Sound Designers Dream
Featuring many synthesis techniques, a great selection of filters, a flexible modulation engine, a smorgasbord of effects, and modern features like MPE and microtuning.
- 3 oscillators per scene, with 12 versatile oscillator algorithms: Classic, Modern, Wavetable, Window, Sine, FM2, FM3, String, Twist, Alias, S&H Noise and Audio Input.
- Classic oscillator is a morphable pulse/saw/dual saw oscillator with a sub-oscillator and hard sync.
- Modern oscillator is a mixable saw/pulse/triangle oscillator with an optional sub-oscillator mode for triangle (which can also change to sine or square) and hard sync.
- FM2/FM3 oscillators consist of a carrier and 2 or 3 modulators and various options.
- String oscillator uses two filtered waveguides to emulate plucked or bowed string sounds.
- Twist oscillator is based on a very famous Eurorack macro oscillator, and it offers a myriad of synthesis options in a very simple and quick way.
- Most algorithms (except FM2, FM3, Twist and Audio Input) offer up to 16-voice unison at the oscillator level.
- Oscillator FM in 3 different configurations and ring modulation between oscillators 1-2 and 2-3.
- Most oscillator algorithms (except FM2, FM3, Sine and Alias) are strictly band-limited, yet still cover the entire audible spectrum, delivering a clear, punchy and clean sound.
- Noise generator with variable spectrum (available directly in the oscillator mixer).
- Two filter units in 8 different configurations.
- Feedback loop available in 7 of those configurations.
- Available filter algorithms: Lowpass (12 and 24 dB/oct, each with 3 variations), Legacy Ladder Lowpass (6-24 dB/oct), Vintage Ladder Lowpass (2 variations, each with and without gain compensation), Highpass (12 and 24 dB/oct, each with 3 variations), Bandpass (12 and 24 dB/oct, each with 3 variations), Notch (12 and 24 dB/oct, each with 2 variations), Allpass (3 variations), Comb (positive and negative), S&H.
- Open-source additions to our filter algorithms include: K35 and Diode Ladder filter types from Odin 2 synthesizer, 12 and 24 dB/oct multimode filters from OB-Xd, and weird but fascinating Cutoff Warp, Resonance Warp and Tri-Pole filters by Jatin Chowdhury!
- Filters can self-oscillate (with excitation) and respond amazingly fast to cutoff frequency changes.
- Waveshaper (43 shapes).
- 12 LFO units available, 6 are per voice and 6 are global for the whole scene.
- DAHDSR envelope generators on every LFO.
- LFO shapes consist of 7 deformable LFO waveforms, step sequencer, a fully-fledged multi-segment envelope generator (MSEG) with various curves and up to 128 nodes, and last but not the least - a formula modulator which utilizes Lua scripting language to provide completely custom modulator output.
- Voice LFOs allow envelope retriggering in step sequencer mode.
- Extremely fast and flexible modulation routing. Almost every continuous parameter can be modulated!
16 effect units arranged as 4 inserts per scene, 4 sends and 4 master effects.
27 effect algorithms:
- 3-band fully parametric EQ
- 11-band graphic EQ
- Exciter
- Resonator
- Distortion
- Neuron
- Tape
- Waveshaper
- Combulator
- Frequency Shifter
- Nimbus
- Ring Modulator
- Treemonster
- Vocoder
- Chorus
- Ensemble
- Flanger
- Phaser
- Rotary Speaker
- Delay
- Reverb 1
- Reverb 2
- Spring Reverb
- Airwindows (itself containing 56 effects!)
- Conditioner
- Mid-Side Tool
Synth Features
- 4 aliasing free Operators with classic TX waveforms
- 12 voices
- Drag-and-drop envelopes
- 8 classic FM algorithms with feedback on operator D
- Resonant filter with 24db/oct lowpass, highpass and bandpass
- Visualization of the resulting waveform for immediate editing response
- LFO syncable to host
- Runs on Windows (VST 2 and VST3) and Mac (AU, VST2 and VST3), 64 bit only
Surge XT Plugin System Requirements
- Minimum: Windows 7 and Intel or AMD processor featuring SSE2 instructions
- Recommended: 64-bit Windows 7 or newer, 3 GHz quad-core processor featuring SSE2 instructions or better
- Minimum of 4 GB of RAM
- VST3 or CLAP compatible host application
- x64-compatible CPU, OS and host is required to use the 64-bit version
- Surge XT is an Intel/Apple Silicon universal binary. Intel Mac requires macOS 10.11 or later, Apple Silicon Mac will run Surge XT with any Apple Silicon version of macOS
- Minimum of 4 GB of RAM
- VST3, AU or CLAP compatible host application
- PC or ARM system running a Linux distribution
- x64-compatible CPU, OS and host is required to use the 64-bit version; for ARM processors you can build Surge XT for ARM on Raspberry Pi and similar (tested with RPi4/arm64)
- Minimum of 4 GB of RAM
- VST3, CLAP or LV2 compatible host application